Success Story -> Edify Houses

Buy and renovate your home easily.

Transform spaces into homes. The tool for searching, buying and renovating your new home. Wherever you want. Buying and renovating homes.




Mobile (responsive)


12 weeks

01 Digital strategy

We detail our work strategy to understand what the company and the customer needed.

To buy and renovate a home, +40 people are involved.
With Edify only one.

We use technology to simplify the purchase and sale of real estate” We are here to reinvent the real estate sector! We know that the traditional market is stagnant, so we work to change it and focus on the real needs of our customers and collaborators.

We use the best materials available. That's what Edify's bio reads.

A real estate project where the main innovation was to better manage home renovations. All this from the sofa at home.

They had lived the experience of buying and renovating properties. They knew how complicated it is, so we have simplified the process to make it simple and accessible to everyone.

“Simplify the process of buying and renovating a property”

That was our goal to make the information necessary for renting possible with just over 10 clicks.


We explain to you what our process of conceptualizing the digital product was like and its phases.

View, manage and direct the purchase and renovation of your home from your mobile phone.

That was the main challenge and approach to working with Edify, in this case the product is a complete ecosystem, starting with the commercial website (landing), followed by the customer's dashboard and ending with the company's backoffice.

Everything worked with a single Design System, hence the great challenge to unify the entire experience regardless of who the user of it was.

A “pro” version is also being developed for renovation companies, so that they can see and manage their works in one place.

80% of the work was invested in developing a scalable and functional Design System aimed at scaling the platform, I feel all this multi-language, multi-currency and multi-legal.

Product Design

We show you some images of the product designed from the tool Figma.


After delivering the product, these are some of the most important highlights of the impact that Productea had.




developed projects

2 cities

Available in Valencia and Madrid.

+1 M€


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